Summary – The Kingdom of God in the Bible

The Kingdom of God in the Bible is a new website that focuses on the concept of the kingdom of God as introduced by Christ.  Christian behavior throughout history, and today in particular, raises questions regarding its consistency with New Testament teaching.  Through well written articles, the website offers rigorous analysis of biblical material in order to clarify the teaching of Jesus and his apostles and provide insights on what constitutes acceptable Christian conduct.

Columbus, Indiana – December 21, 2016

While many Christians tend to associate the kingdom of God with heaven, New Testament teaching about it clearly emphasizes principles that are to take hold on earth.  The numerous websites which discuss the kingdom of God often focus on abstractly defining it, recognizing that it is both a present reality ushered in by the coming of Christ, and a future reality that will be established after the resurrection of the dead.  The Kingdom of God in the Bible is a website that focuses on the kingdom of God as a present reality.  The articles in it are an ongoing discussion on God’s expectations of mankind, as defined by Christ, with the understanding that God’s will is only done on earth if humans strive to live according to those expectations.

When Jesus talks about the growth of the kingdom, there is no doubt that he is thinking about a movement that is to transform the world by shining his light on it.  That movement is to be led by individuals who have been transformed by the power of his words.  Such individuals must truly represent him, and he has warnings about pretenders who will claim to come in his name, but will carry a message that differs from his message.  Accordingly, some questions are unavoidable today:

  • If Jesus stood for love, forgiveness, peacemaking and self-denial, how can he be represented by people who advocate warfare and violence as means of resolving world problems?
  • If Jesus was a tireless advocate for the poor and the disenfranchised, how can he be represented by those who treat the poor and the disenfranchised with contempt?
  • If Jesus and his apostles preached that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”, then how can they be represented by those who make it their mission to discriminate against categories that differ from them?

The Kingdom of God in the Bible addresses such questions and focuses on bringing clarity to biblical teaching, and to New Testament teaching in particular.  It can be accessed at

About Us

The Kingdom of God in the Bible is a website created by Francois Ntone, an engineer by profession and a Bible Study teacher who has brought his analytical skills into the study of the Bible.  The site offers an ongoing discussion on matters related to Jesus’ vision for the world.

Contact Information

Francois Ntone can be contacted at